Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Letting God be Himself

I get into trouble every-time I write. Without fail, God holds me on what I claim on my blog...

He writes it into my flesh and mind.

Here goes.

I recently read an important idea from Donald Miller's program, "Storyline" (http://storylineblog.com/) to make "What if's" in your life and move towards them.

My  biggest "WHAT IF"

What if I truly gave God control over my life each day and  every day?


It's full of scary roads and massive possible failures.

Putting your entire life willingly in the hands of a being that could easily snuff you out?

On top of that, laying down the ability to scrutinize others on their mistakes?

That second one may have got a small chuckle. The truth is, I love "playing god."

To give up 'Giving up on Ben' is terrible. I am so good at it. *Snort*

I've found the reason behind all of my frustration with people. A pesky thing that gets in the way every-time.  It stops me from being able to help them with their problems. Wouldn't it be so much easier without it?

Oh yeah, it was a gift from God.

Their will.

I have one too.

He lets us walk away from Him all the while pursuing us with His Love in a way that only He can. That's real love. Allowing Himself to be wounded only to forgive us and accept us as sons and daughters when we return.

I hope that one is etched into my being. That love.

I want to allow God to work on others....and myself from the inside.

Letting God be Himself in me and allowing others to be themselves as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post Ben. Love and miss ya. Learning to love as Christ loves is a journey itself. Indeed.
