Sunday, January 17, 2010

In love with Christ

Today God has been showing me how much I am full of fear I am full of. I don't know who all has read "Hinds Feet on High Places," but I feel that I am MuchAfraid. God has been showing me how small I really am and how amazing he is. Today at our gathering, we talked about how God wants us to trust him like little children. Children don't know the difference between good and evil and trust their parents to guide them on their path until they become old enough to find out for their own. God's goal is to get us to depend on him alone, and to be clothed in HIS mind. This is true  intimacy with God. to be so close to him that we are "naked of our self" shown to be who we are, in all of our weaknesses and failures and that his love wraps us as a garment.  He adorns us with HIS righteousness. He makes a covenant with us (his people aka The Bride!) We forget about our weakness and become so raptured in his love and are deeply in love with Him. Hopefully I am not too confusing, I am feeling like I'm on cloud  writing this post. Hopefully,my next blog will make more sense.

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